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EU Technical Assistance to the African Union • Infrastructure Support Mechanism (ISM)
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The main objective of the assignment is to hire a Water Expert to provide specific sectoral expertise to the PIDA PAP 2 process taking place during the course 2020-2021.

This will be achieved through a combination of response to querries by emails and coaching to the regional PIDA PAP 2 project developers at the level of the RECs and their constituent Member States (MS), technical contribution in the implementation strategy and some on-going activities within the department.

Project Purpose

The purpose of the TA to AU/ISM is “to enhance policy dialogue and support coordination and cooperation between the AU and the EU within a continent-wide infrastructure approach, by aligning programming strategies to create the regional infrastructure promoting continental interconnection with an adequate properly identified, selected and prioritized, project pipeline”.

The EU-funded TA to AU/ISM on behalf of the AUC Department of Infrastructure and Energy (AUC-DIE) is now requesting the services of a Water Sector Expert for the PIDA PAP 2 process who will contribute to the PIDA project preparation, selection and screening processes in support of the ISM-TA mandate and the development of the PIDA PAP 2 implementation strategy.

Expected Outputs and Deliverables

  1. Participation in and contribution to the specific sectoral aspects of the PIDA PAP 2 by proving assistance to Member states and RECs to improve the quality of projects and alignment with PIDA PAP2 criteria.
  2. Effective participation in the PIDA PAP 2 project screening and selection processes by responding to specific request made by Task force members and partner Institutions
  3. Inputs on Water component of the PIDA Market and Demand Study
  4. Advise and Assist in the implementation of PIDA Mid-Term Review recommendations
  5. Identification of key sectorial activities from the STC Action plans and their implementation
  6. Contribution in the organisation of PIDA PAP 2 workshops and meetings: conceptualisation, active participation and reporting
  7. A draft final report on the assignment.
  8. A final report.

Scope of Tasks

Desk research, direct coaching through workshop training and video conferencing of the relevant regional and MS-level level PIDA- PAP 2 project development and preparation processes taking into account the key selection criteria being used in the PIDA PAP 2 process at the level of the RECs and the MS.

Terms of Reference

Inception Report

Final Report

Annexes and Background Documents